The The ideal theory of modern economics in the view of Ibn Khaldun

Introduction, literatur review, Discussion, result, conclusion



Economic, Ideal Teory, Modern, Develpoment


The contribution of the economic concept to the development of Islamic economics and can explain the role of the history of Islamic thought about the economy of Islamic scientists and develop an understanding of economics from an Islamic perspective which was actually born earlier before this thought developed in the West. Concepts of Ibn Khaldun's ideal economic theory and their relevance to modern economic theory. The research method used is a qualitative approach where the researcher starts to think inductively, then analyzes it and tries to theorize based on what is observed. The results of this study prove that the economic concept has relevance to modern economic theory. He has contributed the ideal concept of economics that is so great for the development of modern economics even long before the birth of economics itself by Adam Smith. Ibn Khaldun succeeded in showing that the discussion of economic concepts that he conveyed from the empirical analysis of the economy that he did showed a strong relevance and linkage with modern economics.


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How to Cite

ADE JAMARUDIN, A. J. (2022). The The ideal theory of modern economics in the view of Ibn Khaldun: Introduction, literatur review, Discussion, result, conclusion. Sinergi : Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Manajemen, 1(3), 73–84. Retrieved from